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Terms for subject Agriculture (171208 entries)
nursery plant
nurserygrown plant
苗圃指甘蔗 bibit garden
苗圃指甘蔗 bibit nursery
苗圃通道 alley of the nursery
苗圃地 nursery field
苗圃地 nursery land
苗圃脱粒机 nursery separator
苗圃主 treeman
苗圃繁殖 nursery propagation
苗圃学 nursery science
苗圃轮作 nursery rotations
苗圃害虫 insect-pests in nursery
苗圃试验 nursery experiment
苗圃试验 nursery test
苗圃苗床 bed of nursery stock
苗圃工具 nursery equipment
苗圃移植 nursery transplanting