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Terms for subject United Nations (8542 entries)
卫星重力 satellite gravity
卫星发射器 satellite launch vehicles
卫星图象处理机构 Satellite Image Processing Agency
卫生与环境委员会 Commission on Health and the Environment
卫生与发展方案 Health and Development programme
卫生填地 sanitary landfilling
卫生干事 hygiene officer
卫生和发展小组委员会 Subcommittee on Health and Development
卫生掩埋 sanitary landfilling
卫生组织/开发计划署防治艾滋病联盟 WHO/UNDP Alliance to Combat AIDS
卫生组织/儿童基金会改善发展中国家妇幼营养战略 WHO/UNICEF Strategy for Improved Nutrition of Mothers and Children in the Developing World
卫生组织/粮农组织/环境规划署控制传病媒介环境管理专家小组 WHO/FAO/UNEP Panel of Experts on Environmental Management of Vector Control
卫生组织/环境规划署联合环境卫生标准方案 Joint WHO/UNEP Environmental Health Criteria Programme
填地/垃圾填埋地 landfill
填埋 landfill
扫路机 road sweeper
扫雷艇 minesweeper
扫雷系统,拖车运载 mine-clearance system trailer mounted
扫雷系统-车载 mine-clearance system — vehicle mounted
火箭 rocket