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Terms for subject Textile industry (163041 entries)
报酬总数 total compensation
报酬体系 pay system
报酬超过成本率 rate of return over costs
报酬率 payback
报酬率 rate of income
报酬率 return rate
报酬率表 rate of return table
报酬率定价法 rate of return pricing
报酬率比较法 rate of return comparisons
报酬率法 rate of return method
报酬点 pay point
报酬法则 law of return
报关 apply to the customs
报关 clearing
报关 declare
报关 apply to customs
报关码头 sufferance wharf
报关清单 specification
报关程序 procedure of customs
报关期限 time limit for declaration