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Terms for subject Plastics (35551 entries)
折叠链构型 folded chain configuration
折叠链结构 chain folded structure
折翼袋 flap bag
折翼盖包装 flap lid
碘价 iodine number
粘合剂附加剂 adhesive additive
粘合面 bonding surface
粘模 mould sticking
粘住 blocking
粘接 adhesional
粘接 adhesive bond
粘接 adhesive bonding
粘接缝料 bond
粘接鞋帮 cement-lasting
粘接 glue
粘接 sticking
粘接分裂 cleavage of the bond
粘接爆炸复合成型 bonding explosive forming
粘接缝 adhering joint
粘接缝 bond line