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Terms for subject General (503203 entries)
当做废物 junk
当作 regard as
当作 treat as
当镜子用的 mirrored
当你喉咙疼痛的时候,就会感到十分不舒服 You feel very uncomfortable when you have a sore throat
当你把卷心菜煮开后,用滤器把水滤掉 When you've boiled the cabbage, strain off the water through a colander
当面 to the eye
当面 to the teeth
当牧工 cowboy
当药苷 chiratin
当药苷 chirettin
当驯马师 roughride
当女仆 maid
当年 in those days
当年生的 underyearling
当年鱼 underyearling
当年的 underyear
当兵 soldier
当兵 soldiering
当其时 in the mean time