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Terms for subject Art (81 entries)
灯笼 lantern
买下…的全部产权〔存货〕 buy out
买通某人使放弃地位〔股份〕 buy out
共鸣〔共振〕板 sound board
艳丽的 flamboyant
陶瓷高脚杯是经高温烧制的 The ceramic goblet is fired at a high temperature
蚀刻 etch
要了解中国,不可不知中国的鼻烟壶 To understand China, it is a must to know Chinese snuff bottles
如今的擦擦意为一种凹形模具,用来压制出成型的泥塑浮雕 Today's tsha-tsha is intended as a concave mould, used to suppress the moulding clay reliefs
麒麟是中国一种典型的吉祥物 The unicorn is a typical mascot in China
底色 grounding
香炉 thurible
香薰器 diffuser
辟邪的 talismanic
那些植物现在通过染色工艺被加到了布料中,然后这些布料再被加工成服装和床上用品 The plants are now being added to cloth during the dyeing process before it is made into clothes and sheets
钥匙链 key chain
花边 lace
家庭装饰 home decoration
精巧的 delicate
精致的 exquisite