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Terms for subject Commerce (26244 entries)
技术研究与开发 technology research and development
技术引进 technology introduction
技术引进费 cost of acquiring technology
技术引进形式 form of technology acquisition
技术引进人期望 expectations by the technology recipient
技术专门术语 technical terms
技术 〔工程〕 supervisory engineering staff
技术传输 flow of technology
技术模式 technical pattern
技术性贸易壁垒 technical barriers to trade
技术中心 technique centre
技术支付费用 technology payment
技术水平 level of hierachy
技术水平 level of skill
技术吸收消化能力 technological absorptive capacity
技术吸收能力水平 level of technological absorptive capacity
技术贸易 trade in technology
技术贸易支付方式 forms of payment for technology
技术改造重建 technical reconstruction
技术改革 technical innovation