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Terms for subject Economy (107060 entries)
恢复的股息 resumed dividends
恢复原位 reset
恢复原状 restoration to the orginal state
恢复原状 again
恢复原保险额条款 a reinstatement clause
恢复原保险额条款 restatement clause
恢复报价 revised quotation
恢复报价 revive quotation
恢复经济状况 being oneself home
恢复经济状况 the being oneself home
恢复发盘 to reinstate offer
恢复发盘 to renew offer
恢复信心的 reassured
恢复旧评价 revalorization
恢复已失效的时效已完成的债权 revival of a barred claim
恢复时效已完成的权利 revive barred right
恢复价值 revalorization
慢而费力地读懂 spell over
慢吞吞的 lazy