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Terms for subject Finances (40159 entries)
年终需要调整之余额 required adjustments to year end balances
年终股利 year end divident
年终红利 final dividend
年终决算表 annual balance
年终发行的钞票 bank notes issued at the year-end
年终结帐 year-end closing
年终结账 year-end summarization
年金 annuity certain
年金 annuity
年金制度 pension plan
年金债券 annuity bonds
年金债券 pension bond
年金契约 annuity agreement
年金平均支付折旧法 equal-annual-payment depreciation method
年金的复利和贴现计算 compounding and discounting for annuity
年金折旧 depreciation-annuity
年金折旧法 annuity method of depreciation
年金折旧法 depreciation-annuity method
年金储蓄存款 annuity savings deposits
年金现值 present value of an annuity