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Terms for subject Dancing (1081 entries)
刮唱片 scratch
刮唱片的动作 scratching
1 步结尾开始上升 continue to rise end of 1
1-2转³⁄₈弱 under ³⁄₈ between 1-2
180° 转 half turn
弱拍 upbeat
爱神 Eros
由分式位置阿娜玛娜右转手中转步以左手握右手 Alemana from OP with L to R hand
由分式位置阿娜玛娜右转手中转步以右手握右手 Alemana from OP with R to R hand
由侧行到反侧行的博塔佛哥斯步 Botafogos to PP and CPP
由侧行并步至陀螺转步 chasse from PP to top spin
由侧行并步至侧行纺织步 chasse from PP to weave from PP
2常步 two walks
3个阿娜玛娜 three Alemanas
360° 转 whole turn
头转 head spin
头旋 head slide
电流过身动作 electric shock
电子布吉 electric boogie
70年代的迪斯科音乐 house