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Terms for subject Environment (7397 entries)
烧制 firing (The process of applying fire or heat, as in the hardening or glazing of ceramics)
烧结 sintering (Forming a coherent bonded mass by heating metal powders without melting, used mostly in powder metallurgy)
继续生长机遇 chance of continued growth
继续胁迫 continuing stress
巨炮 heavy metal
注销 write-off (Accounting procedure that is used when an asset is uncollectible and is therefore charged-off as a loss)
注入 immission
注册 registration (An instance of or a certificate attesting to the fact of entering in an official list various pieces of information in order to facilitate regulation or authorization, including one's name, contact information and, in some instances, data concerning a specific possession or property)
注册程序 registration proceeding (The course of action or record in which an individual, company or an organization formally enrolls with a government agency or an authority in order to be granted certain rights, particularly trademark or copyright privileges, or the permission to sell and distribute a product)
注册责任 registration obligation (The duty to formally enroll with a government agency or an authority in order to be granted certain rights, particularly trademark or copyright privileges, or the permission to sell and distribute a product)
注册的位置 registered site (Area which is officially registered because of its unique features; a description is provided concerning its location, size, latitude, longitude, orientation, elevation, boundaries, wildlife, hydrological and soil characteristics, etc.)
注人[污染]物[的来]源 origin of immissions
注人[污染]物的特异敏感性 specific sensitivity in immissions
滨海 littoral (The intertidal zone of the seashore)
磨光玻璃表面上的小凹坑 sand pit
磨坊 mill (A building where grain is crushed into flour)
跨界污染 transboundary pollution (Polluted air and water, or any other contaminated waste, that is generated in one country and transmitted to others)
跨学科研究 interdisciplinary research (The utilisation, combination and coordination of two or more appropriate disciplines, technologies and humanities in an integrated approach toward environmental problems)
跨边界的生物圈保护区简写为TBR transboundary biosphere reserve