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Terms for subject Anatomy (4350 entries)
手关节 joint of hand
手掌 palm of hand
手掌筋膜 palmar fascia
手掌筋膜浅层 superficial layer of palmar fascia
手掌筋膜深层 deep layer of palmar fascia
手肌 muscle of hand
手蚓状肌 lumbricale of hand
手骨 bone of hand
手背 dorsum of hand
手背筋膜 dorsal fascia of hand
手背静脉网 dorsal venous rete of hand
手背腱膜 aponeurosis dorsalis manus
手背皮下间隙 dorsal subcutaneous space
手部 hand
筋膜 fascia
筋膜 Camper's fascia Camper
筋膜 Scarpa^ fascia Scarpa
筋膜 Colles's fascia Colles
腋后襞 posterior axillary fold
腋后线 posterior axillary line