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Terms for subject Weightlifting (1497 entries)
嵌式橡胶垫 interlocking rubber matting
前后分腿 lunge
前后场同步钟 synchronized clock of fore-rear ring
前场公告牌 bulletin board of fore ring
前蹲 forward squat
前蹲 shoulder squat
前蹲起提铃胸前做蹲起动作 front squat
前臂练习 forearm twist
前曲肘 curl
配重背心 weighted vest
降级参加比赛 compete in a lighter class
neck curl
low repetition
坐在凳上向颈后推举 French-press
坐弯举 swing bell curl seated
坐蹲 squat to bench
坐平衡 piked sitting position
坐推 seated press
坐提踵 seated heel raise
坐提铃 seated bench clean