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Terms for subject China (22638 entries)
权利归属人 owner
权利转让 transfer of right
权利转让 copyright transfer
权利登记 registration of rights
权利登记簿 register of rights
权利承受人 successor in title
权利要求书 patent claim
权利的保护期 term of protection of rights
权利和义务 rights as well as duties
权利和自由 rights and freedoms
权利和自由的行使 exercise of rights and freedoms
权利人 obligees
权利人 owner of the right
权利人的损害 loss of the obligee
权利种类 variety of rights
权利变更 alternation of rights
权利变更 transfer of rights
权利继承 inheritance of rights
权利凭证 certificate of right
权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋 exercise power in the interest of the people