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Terms for subject Bridge construction (29671 entries)
容许承载力 allowable bearing power
容许的缺陷 allowable imperfection
容许沉降量 permissible settlement
容许沉降量 allowable settlement tolerable settlement
容许压应力 allowable compressive stress
容许压力差 permissible pressure difference
容许压曲应力 allowable buckling stress
容许融化原则 permissible thaw principle
容许应力 permitted stress
容许应力类别 classification of allowable stress
容许应力类别 class of allowable stress
容许应力折减系数 coefficient of reducing of allowable stress
容许应力折减系数 factor of reducing of permissible stress
容许应力设计 allowable stress design
容许应力设计 permissible stress design
容许应力设计概念 allowable stress design concept
容许应力设计法 allowable stress design method
容许应力设计法 permissible stress method
容许应力设计法 allowable stress design approach
容许应力提高系数 coefficient of increment of allowable stress