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Terms for subject International trade (50553 entries)
没有人来取的 unclaimed
没有人来取的行李 unclaimed baggage
没有提单的货物 cargo without bill of lading
没有法定汇率的货币 currency without legal rate
没有价值的小东西 button
没收货物 embargo
没收外资 expropriation
没收性赋税 confiscatory taxation
没收货 confiscated goods
没收的货物 confiscated goods
没收股本盈余 surplus from forfeited stock
没收股款 forfeited stock subscription
没收担保 foreclosure
unvalued stock
没买主 go begging
没钱的 moneyless
管码头人 wharfinger
管理 regulations
管理 have charge of
管理指数 management index