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Terms for subject Economy (107058 entries)
审査性文件 review documents
审査申请 subject the application to scrutiny
审査制度 a review mechanism
审査机构 censorship
审査汇票 scrutinize the draft
审査案件的实体方面 the review of the merits
审査员 censor
审査批准 examine and approve
审査官 examinant
审査护照签证 screen visa applications
审査证书 examination of credentials
审査证据 administration of evidence
审査证据 assess the evidence
审査过去的账目时需要有原始合同 The prime contract is needed for the examination of the past accounts
审査信用证 scrutiny of letter of credit
斡旋 mediation
斡旋 offices
没分开的 undivided
没有 absence
没有 devoid