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Terms for subject Wushu (2203 entries)
五虎棍 five-tiger cudgel
五虎拳 five-tiger boxing
五祖拳 five-ancestor boxing
五步拳 five-stance boxing
五禽戏 five-animal exercise
应得分 merited point
应得分 merited point
抖腕 wrist snap
得3分牌白色 three-point card
粘劲 sticking force
粘劲 sticking force
肘与膝合 integration of elbows and knees
肘底看捶 fist under elbow
肘底捶 punch under elbow
肘底捶 punch under elbow
肘犯规 elbow foul
肘犯规 elbowing
肘犯规 elbow foul