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Terms for subject Economy (107058 entries)
城乡建设环境保护部长 Minister of Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental
城郊农业 suburban agriculture
城里有很好的交通设施 The city has good transport facilities
迎合一为宴会等供应酒菜 cater
迎合当地市场喜爱的包装 the packing coming in line with local market preference
野外【现场】操作手册 field operating manual
野外作业 field operations
野外作业人员 field personnel
野外工作手册 field manual
Field Army Petroleum Office
野鸡银行 a wildcat bank
野猫 wildcat
野猫式罢工未经工会批准的罢工 wild cat strike (Quickie strike; outlaw strike)
野味 game
野兽的 animal
野蛮的 wild
风传 hearsay
风行一时 overrun