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Terms for subject Psychology (1359 entries)
成就环境 achievement situation
成就目标 achievement goal
成就目标理论 achievement goal theory
成就目标定向 achievement goal orientation
成瘾行为 addictive behaviour
成功定向的运动员 success-oriented athlete
成功知觉问卷 Perception of Success Questionnaire
成人心理学 adult psychology
成绩测验 accomplishment test
成绩测验组 achievement battery
成绩测量 achievement measure
渐进分解学习法 progressive decomposition method of learning
渐进放松 progressive relaxation
渐进放松模型 progressive relaxation model
我向的 autistic
我向人格 autistic personality
倒摄抑制 post-active inhibition
专制式领导 autocratic leadership
专注的评古 assessment of concentration
专注自我的 autistic