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Terms for subject China (22638 entries)
积极与代表沟通 maintain good communications with
积极鼓励 enthusiastic encouragement
积极广泛开展社会主义荣辱观教育 launch an education campaign to foster the socialist concept of honor and disgrace among its employees
积极广泛开展社会主义荣辱观教育 launch an extensive campaign to spread the socialist concept of honor and disgrace
积极倡导和模范遵行和平共处五项原则 actively advocate and earnestly adhere to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence
积极倡导建设和谐世界 actively advocate the building of a harmonious world
积极防范 actively preventing
积极稳步发展 take energetic and steady steps to develop
积极稳妥地推进政治体制改革 actively yet prudently proceed with reforms in the political system
积极稳妥推进工作 actively yet prudently proceed with work
积极做好财税立法工作 work diligently on financial and tax legislation
积极做好... 工作 work diligently on
积极的财政政策 a proactive fiscal policy
积极的就业政策 a proactive employment policy
积极的就业政策 proactive employment policy
积极应对人口老龄化 actively address the issue of the aging of the population
积极探索加强和改进人大监督工作 actively explore ways to strengthen and improve the oversight work of the NPC
积极推动"五五"普法 vigorously implement the fifth five-year plan to increase public awareness of the law
积极参与多边贸易规则制定和自由贸易区建设 take an active part in the formulation of multilateral trade rules and the establishment of free trade zones
积极参与议会国际组织和地区间议会组织的事务 actively participate in activities of international and regional legislative organizations