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Terms for subject Marketing (2929 entries)
伞形战略 umbrella strategy
吞并 merger
感情动机 emotional motives
感觉一购买一学习模型 feel-buy-leam model
感觉等距量制 equal-appearing interval
期望与忧虑调查 survey of hopes and fears
期望与忧虑调查 surveys of hopes and fears
期望利润 expected profit
期货市场 forward market
期货市场 market of commodity futures
期货外汇市场 forward market
期终残值 terminal salvage value
生活行为分析 life ways
生活方式 life-style
生活方式 lifestyles
生活方式分析 lifestyle analysis
生存或然率 probability of survival
生产者厂牌 producer’s brand
生产成本 self-cost price
生产成本 self-cost of production