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Terms for subject China (22638 entries)
向全国人民代表大会常务委员会提出对各方面工作的建议、批评和意见 communicate: to the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee suggestions, criticisms and comments on all aspects of its work
向全国人民代表大会提出 submit to the National People's Congress
向全国人民代表大会提出修改宪法的议案 submit to the National Peopled Congress bills on the amendment to the Constitution
向关系人发放贷款 grant loans to his or her connection
向海域排放有害物质 discharge of harmful substances into the sea
向境外输出 export abroad
向薄弱环节倾斜 give more preference to weak links
向消费者推荐食品 recommend food to consumers
向应聘者收取费用 collect fees from people who attend job fair
向农民收费 collect fees from farmer
向产品的生产者追偿 recover the loss from the producer
向被告人发问 put questions to the defendant
向劳动者收取押金 charge a deposit from the worker
向人民交出满意的答卷 deliver a good report to the people
向人民检察院申诉 present a petition to the people's procuratorate
向人民法院申请 apply to the people's court
向人民法院提起诉讼 bring a lawsuit to a people's court
向人民代表大会常务委员会书面提出罢免要求 submit a demand in writing to the standing committee of the people's congress for the recall of a deputy they elected
向人大代表通报、向社会公开常委会工作 inform deputies and the public about the Standing Committee's work
向委员会咨询 consult with the Committee