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Terms for subject Space (127076 entries)
分段层 segmentation layer
分段充电 step charge
分段恒定解 piecewise constant solution
分段单元 segmenting unit
分段存储 fragmentation
分段存储 fragmenting
分段抛弃结构 expendable construction
分段控制表 step control table
分段循环卡尔曼滤波器 piecewise-recursive Kalman filter
分段线性映像 piecewise linear mapping
分段线性判别函数 piecewise linear discriminant function
分段线性变换 piecewise linear transformation
分段组装 segmented assembly
分段运输 single-segment transportation
分段发动机组装 segmented motor stacking
分段口径合成孔径雷达 segmented aperture SAR
分段自适应控制 partitioned adaptive control
分段时间码 segmented time code
分点根数 equinoctial elements
分点岁差 precession of the equinoxes