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Terms for subject Corporate governance (5566 entries)
分级 grade
分级管理 degree management
分离产品的制造系统计算机化 computerized manufacturing system for discrete products
分组图 block diagram
分工协作 co-operation based on division of labour
分拨款 suballotment
分部经营业绩的独立利润规则 profit independence rule in divisional performance
分部门采购承诺付款 divisional purchase precommitment
将计就计 counterplot
理货公司 tally company
理赔 settlement of claims
理事会标准 Council criteria
理事会主席的职位 Chairpersonship of the Council
理事会主席的职位 Chair of the Council
理事会主席团 Bureau of the Council
理想范围的方法 system of desirable ranges
理想产品模式 ideal product model
理想点分析法 ideal point method
逆向文化冲击 reverse culture shock
切实的利益 tangible benefit