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Terms for subject Informal (547 entries)
达到既定的目的 score a bull's eye
难事 a piece of work
激起愤怒 draw blood
毁坏 chew up
私下 under the
私下地 under the
证明是同一样东西 tick off
懂道理 know better
烂醉如泥的 as drunk as a boiled owl
狂热地爱上… mad about
迂回 fetch round
哄地一下子 with a rush
必然 bet (one's) boots
必定〔须,然〕 bound to
擅长于 dead (nuts) on
病弱的人 old crock
装模作样 put on an act
装饰起来 fig out
密封 shut up
密切注视 keep (one's) weather eye open