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Terms for subject Finances (40159 entries)
府库 camera
斜率为正 upward-sloping
窜改账目 falsification of books
障生价格 instrike price
障消价格 outstrike price
障碍期权 barrier option
依一定成数分配 division in a fractional ratio
依一定成数分配 divisions in a fractional ratio
依生产力论 theory according to productive forces
依售价分配 distribution on selling price
依制造成本分配 distribution on manufacturing cost
依资本比例分配 division in a capital ratio
依资本比例分配 divisions in a capital ratio
依附理论 dependency theory
依附发展 dependent development
依赖银行 rely on the banks
依赖出口来支撑经济增长 rely on exports to support economic growth
依赖出口拉动型增长 rely on export-led growth
依遗嘱继承 testamentary succession
依靠消费 depend on consumption