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Terms for subject Sports (42544 entries)
兴奋剂检查站站长 head of the doping control station
兴奋剂检查代表 doping control delegate
兴奋药丸 pep pill
兴奋药物 performance-enhancing drug
兴奋灶 excitatory focus
兴奋型 excitable type
兴奋型 excited type
兴奋抑制的 excitoinhibitory
兴奋折返 reentry
兴奋增盛 erethism
兴奋加速的 excitoacceleratory
兴奋冲动 impulse of excitation
兴奋状态 exciting state
兴奋状态 excitement
兴奋过程 excitation process
兴奋过程 excitatory process
兴奋过度 hyperexcitation
兴奋波 excitation wave
兴奋时 excitation time
兴起 spring up