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Terms for subject Sports (42544 entries)
局部控制机制 local control mechanism
局部疲劳 local fatigue
局部麻醉 local anaesthesia
局部麻醉 local anesthesia
局部麻醉 local anaesthesia
局部麻醉剂 local anesthetic
局部麻醉剂 local anaesthetic
局部麻醉药 local anesthetic
局部麻醉药 local anaesthetic
局部麻醉法 local anaesthesia
局部麻痹 paresis
局部心肌缺血 regional myocardial ischemia
局部反应 local response
局部痛 localized pain
局部回路 local circuit
interval between games
局间休息 rest period
所有分道的倾斜角应相同 The angle of banking in all lanes should be the same
所有广告必须符合安全规定 All advertising must comply with safety regulations
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