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Terms for subject Finances (40159 entries)
耽搁损失 loss caused by delay
落在后面 in arrear
落实行动计划 carry out action plans
落实承诺 implement commitments
落实二十国集团峰会承诺 follow through on the commitments of the G20 summits
落人"中等收人陷阱" get stuck in a middle-income trap
举世瞩目的变化 remarkable changes
举责经营 operation with borrowed capital
举债式外汇买卖 leverage foreign exchange trading
举债式外汇买卖商 leverage foreign exchange trader
举债式外汇买卖介绍人 leverage foreign exchange introducing agent
举债的理由 reasons for borrowing
举债经营效应 leverage effect
举债租赁 leverage lease
举债租赁 leverage leasing
举债能力 ability to borrow
举行全民公投 hold a referendum
举行路演 hold roadshows
举报者 whistle blower
举报政策 whistle-blowing policy