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Terms for subject China (22638 entries)
工伤社会保险 employment injury insurances
工伤保险 insurance against injury at work
工本费 fee for the cost
工资调整机制 wage adjustment mechanism
工资调査 salary survey
工资分配方式 form of wage distribution
工资指导价位 guidance rates of wages
工资标准 wage rates
工资生活待遇 salaries and benefits
工资水平 level of wages
工资水平 salary standards
工资制度 salary system
工资形式 forms of wage
工资待遇 salary
工资差距 difference in salary
工资差距 wage gap
工商行政管理机关 industry and commerce administration authority
工商行政管理部门 administration for industry and commerce
工商联 federations of industry and commerce
工作态度 attitude towards work