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Terms for subject Sports (42544 entries)
决定胜负的球员 clutch hitter
决定因子 determinant
决议 resolution
决心 will
决胜分 match point
决胜期 overtime
决胜局 final game
决胜局 showdown
决胜加赛 play-off match
决胜比赛 final game
决出胜者 decide the winner
劳伦斯世界体育奖 Laureus World Sport Award
劳累性横纹肌溶解 exertional rhabdomyolysis
劳累性的 exertional
劳损 strain
劳损 tiredness
劳卫制奖章 Labor and Defense Badge
劳动 work
劳动防卫奖章 Labour and Defence Badge