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Terms for subject Textile industry (163041 entries)
门襟圆角点线 front cut point
门襟圆角点线 line of front cut point
门襟圆角线 line of front cut point
门襟圆角线 front curve
门襟圆角线 front curve point line
门襟圆角线 front edge line
门襟标记 fly notch
门襟有钮扣的睡衣 sleepcoat
门襟有纽扣的睡衣 sleep coat
门襟有纽扣的睡衣 sleepcoat
门襟外口线 fly facing outside edge
门襟缝 front fly seam
门襟缝 placket seam
门襟缝道处的纽孔 inseam buttonhole
门襟 teii fly facing
门襟带 front border
门襟带 front tape
门襟贴布 fly stay
门襟贴边 fly-facing
门襟机 placket machine