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Terms for subject Informal (547 entries)
赶紧 get a move on
偷偷地 under the
起劲地干 work with a will
起劲地说 belt out
陷人困境 get into a (pretty) mess
智囊班子〔机构〕 think factory
空间〔固定,固有,净〕损耗 dead loss
顺手牵羊地拿走 walk off with
养成…的习惯 acquire the habit
死记硬背 learn by rote
类似的事物 something of the kind
类似于此的 something of the kind
命中靶心 hit a bull's eye
命中靶心 score a bull's eye
好极了! too (bloody) right
work loose
百分之百地 to a fraction
使希望成泡影 tear it
使不能工作 lay away
使不能继续下去 tear it