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Terms for subject Nursing (15900 entries)
睑外翻 ectropion
睑外翻矫正术 correction of ectropion
睑缘成形术 marginoplasty
睑缘缝合术 tarsorrhaphy
睑缘腺 Zeis gland
睑缘炎 blepharitis
睑缘结膜炎 blepharoconjunctivitis
睑水肿 palpebral edema
睑夹 lid clamp
睑缺损 palpebral coloboma
睑腺炎 hordeolum
睑板 tarsal plate
睑板 tarsus palpebrarum
睑板切除术 tarsectomy
睑板切断术 tarsotomy
睑板下沟 inferior tarsus sulcus
睑板腺阻塞 obstruction of tarsal glands
睑板腺囊肿刮匙 chalazion curet
睑板腺囊肿刮除术 curettage of chalazion
睑板腺囊肿夹 chalazion forceps