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Terms for subject Environment (7397 entries)
市场运输 commercial traffic (The operations and movements related to the transportation and exchange of goods)
市场因素 factor market (Significant elements or reasons for an outcome in the buying, selling, and trading of particular goods or services)
市场价格 market price (The price actually given in current market dealings; the actual price at which given stock or commodity is currently sold in the usual and ordinary course of trade and competition between sellers and buyers)
市政〔公共建筑〕工程 public works
市政水 municipal water
市政当局 municipality (A town, city, or other district having powers of local self-government)
市政垃圾倾倒场 municipal dumping (Place where a town's refuse is disposed of after it has been collected)
市政供热网络 municipal heating network (System of heating all houses in a urban district from a central source (as from hot springs in Iceland or by cooling water from a power station))
市政环卫 municipal cleansing (The aggregation of services offered by a town or city in which streets and other public areas are kept clean, such as through trash pick-ups, street sweeping and decontamination of water, soil and other natural resources)
市政环卫服务 municipal cleansing service (Removal for treatment or disposal of those residues that can be regarded as waste including removal of litter from public places, public thoroughfares or the countryside)
市政环境政策 municipal environmental policy (The guiding procedure, philosophy or course of action regarding the protection of natural resources in local settings, cities or towns)
市政环境规划 municipal environment plan (A formulated or systematic method for the management of a city or town's natural or ecological resources)
市政工程 municipal engineering (Branch of engineering dealing with the form and functions of urban areas)
市镇级别 municipal level (The jurisdiction, position or status of city, town or local government)
市内贫民区 inner city (1. Part of a city at or near the centre, especially a slum area where poor people live in bad housing. 2. City centres of many industrialized countries which exhibit environmental degradation. The numerous and highly competitive activities entailing land use overwhelm the limited space and create a situation of overcrowding, functional incompatibility and cultural degradation. Inner city areas have a high level of commercial specialization, a large number of offices and a sizeable daytime population. At the same time, city centres generally remain a sort of ghetto for a permanent, low-income population living in run-down housing and enjoying little in the way of public services and civic amenities. The concentration of service industries inevitably entails the replacement of traditional housing and shops by office blocks, the provision of basic utilities at the expense of civic amenities and the provision of major access roads which eat up urban space. Structures of historic originareoften unable to meet modern requirements and, notwithstanding their value, frequently face demolition)
shopping centre
异生物质 xenobiotic substance (A substance which would not normally be found in a given environment, and usually means a toxic chemical which is entirely artificial, such as a chlorinated aromatic compound or an organomercury compound)
异构体 isomer (1. Two or more compounds having the same molecular formula, but a different arrangement of atoms within the molecule. 2. One of two or more chemical substances having the same elementary percentage composition and molecular weight but differing in structure, and therefore in properties; there are many ways in which such structural differences occur)
异议 objection (The act of a party who objects to some matter or proceeding in the course of a trial or an argument or reason urged by him in support of his contention that the matter or proceeding objected to is improper or illegal)
漂流网捕鱼 drift net fishing (The use of fishing nets of great length and depth, aptly described as "walls of death" because of the huge numbers of marine mammals, birds, and turtles that became ensnared in them. The Tarawa Declaration of 1989 formulated at the 20th South Pacific Forum, aimed at banning drift netting in the South Pacific. In June 1992 the UN banned drift netting in all the world's oceans)