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Terms for subject Environment (7397 entries)
地质灾害 geological disaster (Disasters caused by movements and deformation of the earth's crust)
地质技术学;土工学 geotechnics (The application of scientific methods and engineering principles to civil engineering problems through acquiring, interpreting, and using knowledge of materials of the crust of the earth)
地质过程 geological process (Dynamic actions or events that occur at the Earth's surface due to application of natural forces resulting from gravity, temperature changes, freezing and thawing, chemical reactions, seismic shaking, and the agencies of wind and moving water, ice and snow. Where and when a force exceeds the strength of the earth material, the material is changed by deformation, translocation, or chemical reactions)
地中海 Mediterranean Sea (The largest inland sea between Europe, Africa and Asia, linked to the Atlantic Ocean at its western end by the Strait of Gibraltar, including the Tyrrhenian, Adriatic, Aegean and Ionian seas, and major islands such as Sicily, Sardina, Corsica, Crete, Malta and Cyprus)
地中海气候 Mediterranean climate (A type of climate characterized by hot, dry, sunny summers and a winter rainy season; basically, this is the opposite of a monsoon climate. Also known as etesian climate)
地中海木材 Mediterranean wood (A plant formation found in the Mediterranean area comprising mainly lowgrowing, xerophilous evergreen trees and shrubs. It results mainly from the deterioration of the original vegetation by grazing and burning)
地中海地区 Mediterranean Area (The collective islands and countries of the inland sea between Europe, Africa and Asia that is linked to the Atlantic Ocean at its western end by the Strait of Gibraltar and includes the Tyrrhenian, Adriatic, Aegean and Ionian seas)
地中海地区油污清除中心 Mediterranean Regional Oil Combating Center
地中海玛基群落 Mediterranean macchia
地中海森林 Mediterranean forest (Type of forest found in the Mediterranean area comprising mainly xerophilous evergreen trees)
地区 region (A designated area or an administrative division of a city, county or larger geographical territory that is formulated according to some biological, political, economic or demographic criteria)
地区分析和预报系统 local analysis and prediction system
地区性自我保护主义 NIMBY aptitude (aptitude "not in my back yard"; Not In My BackYard: phrase used to describe people who encourage the development of agriculture land for building houses or factories, provided it is not near where they themselves are living)
地区水质量控制局 Regional Water Quality Control Boards
地区政府 territorial government (An administrative body or system in which political direction or control is exercised over a designated area or an administrative division of a city, county or larger geographical area)
地区管理局 provincial/regional authority (D, The power of a government agency or its administrators to administer and implement laws and government policies applicable to a specific political subdivision or geographical area within the state)
地区管理局 regional authority (The power of a government agency or its administrators to administer and implement laws and government policies applicable to a specific geographical area, usually falling under the jurisdiction of two or more states)
地区计划 regional plan (The plan for a region according to some physiographic, biological, political, administrative, economic, demographic, or other criteria)
地区规划 regional planning (The step by step method and process of defining, developing and outlining various possible courses of actions to meet existing or future needs, goals and objectives for a designated area or an administrative division of a city, county or larger geographical area)
地区规章 regional regulation (A body of rules or orders prescribed by government, management or an international organization or treaty pertaining to or effective within a specific territory of one or more states)