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Terms for subject Finances (41056 entries)
加强沟通和协调 enhance communication and coordination
加强沟通和协调 strengthen communication and coordination
加强务实合作 strengthen practical cooperation
加强储备资产的投资和风险管理 strengthen investment management and risk management over our foreign exchange reserves
加强经济技术合作 strengthen economic and technical cooperation
加强经济治理 enhance economic governance
加强监督和规范 improve the supervision and regulation
加强监管 strengthen regulation
加强监管 strengthen supervision
加强监管体系 strengthen regulatory regimes
加强科技支撑 increase support for work in science and technology
加强金融市场和监管体系 strengthen financial markets and regulatory regimes
加强金融监管 strengthen financial sector regulation and supervision
加强信贷政策与产业政策的协调配合 strengthen coordination between credit and industrial policies
加强团结 strengthen unity
加强价格监管 strengthen oversight and supervision of prices
加强对话与交流 strengthen dialogue and exchanges
加强国际合作 reinforce international cooperation
加强国际协调和合作 enhance international coordination and cooperation
加强国际金融监管合作 step up international cooperation in financial regulation