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Terms for subject United Nations (8542 entries)
经济合作与发展组织/发展援助委员会 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development/Development Assistance Committee
经济社会文化委员会 Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
经济预测互联国家模式系统区域讨论会 Regional Seminar on an Interlinked Country Model System for Economic Forecasting
经济和社会理事会 Economic and Social Council
经济和社会理事会 ECOSOC
经济和社会事务部 Department of Economic and Social Affairs
经济和社会事务部社会政策和发展司 Division for Social Policy and Development of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs
经济犯罪 economic crime
经济规划委员会 Committee on Economic Planning
经济发展的环境政策和程序宣言 Declaration of Environmental Policy and Procedures Relating to Economic Development
经济结构改革的社会代价项目 Project on the Social Costs of Economic Restructuring
经联合国特别同意的、可用于服务的主要装备包括相关的次要装备和消耗品 serviceable major equipment (including associated minor equipment and consumables) specifically agreed to by the united nations
transgenic plant
经证明的排放削减 certified emissions reduction
苏丹《临时国家宪法》 Sudan’s Interim National Constitution
苏丹生命线行动 Operation Lifeline Sudan
苏丹 - 萨赫勒区域防治荒漠化行动计划 Plan of Action to Combat Desertification in the Sudano-Sahelian Region
苏丹制裁委员会 Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1591 (2005) concerning the Sudan
苏丹制裁委员会 Sudan Sanctions Committee
苏丹联邦民主联盟 Sudan Federal Democratic Alliance