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Terms for subject Surgery (12910 entries)
手术显微镜 microscope for operation
手术显微镜 operating microscope
手术镊 dissecting forceps
手术止血 surgical hemostasis
手术器械 surgical instruments
手术剪 surgical scissors
手术禁忌证 surgical contraindication
手术径路 surgical approach
手术径路 surgical route
手术室 operating theatre
手术人路 operative approach
手术人路 operative route
手术麻醉期 stage of surgery
手术野 operative field
手术野的抗菌法 preparation of operative field using aseptic technique
手术台上排斥反应 rejection on operating table
手术基本操作 essential surgical technique
手关节 joints of hand
手恶性水肿 malignant edema of hand
手内在肌挛缩 intrinsic contracture of hand