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Terms for subject Environment (6774 entries)
sloučenina organická kovu organometallic compound (Molecules containing carbon-metal linkage; a compound containing an alkyl or aryl radical bonded to a metal)
sloučenina organická křemíku organosilicon compound (Any natural substance composed of two or more unlike atoms held together by chemical bonds and containing silicon, a non-metallic element often found in rocks or minerals)
sloučenina organická kyslíku organooxygen compound (Compounds, both aliphatic and aromatic, which have a C-O bond, including alcohols, aldehydes, etc.)
sloučenina organická síry organosulphur compound (One of a group of substances which contain both carbon and sulfur)
sloučenina povrchově aktivní surface active compound (Any soluble substance composed of two or more unlike atoms held together by chemical bonds that reduces interfacial tension between liquids or a liquid and a solid, often used as detergents, wetting agents and emulsifiers)
slovník dictionary (A reference book containing an explanatory alphabetical list of words, as a book listing a comprehensive or restricted selection of the words of a language; identifying usually, the phonetic, grammatical, and semantic value of each word, often with etymology, citations, and usage guidance and other information)
slovník lexicon (The vocabulary of a particular sphere of activity, region, social class or individual, or the total set of morphemes or meaningful units of a language and its words)
složení atmosféry atmospheric composition (The chemical abundance in the earth's atmosphere of its constituents including nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, water vapour, ozone, neon, helium, krypton, methane, hydrogen and nitrous oxide)
složení chemické chemical composition (The nature and proportions of the elements comprising a chemical compound)
složení obyvatelstva composition of population (The constituent groupings and proportions of the total inhabitants of a given nation, area, region or city, as seen from various perspectives)
složení odpadů waste composition (The component material types, by percentage or weight, emanating from any source)
složení paliva fuel composition
složení půdy soil texture (1. Refers to the relative proportions of the various size groups (sand, silt and clay) of the individual soil grains in a mass of soil. 2. Classification of soil by the proportion and graduations of the three size groups of soil grains, i.e., sand, silt and clay, present in the soil)
složka ekosystému hodnotná valued ecosystem component (An appraised, evaluated or estimated element or ingredient of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings)
složky atmosféry atmospheric component (The Earth's atmosphere consists by volume of nitrogen (79,1%), oxygen (20,9%), carbon dioxide (about 0,03%) and traces of the noble gases (argon, krypton, xenon, helium) plus water vapour, traces of ammonia, organic matter, ozone, various salts and suspended solid particles)
sluch [smysl] hearing (sense, The general perceptual behaviour and the specific responses made in relation to sound stimuli)
slučitelnost s prostředím životním environmental compatibility (Condition of products or projects of having a reduced impact or burden on the natural environment)
slučování pozemků land consolidation (Joining small plots of land together to form larger farms or large fields)
služba informační information service (An organized system of providing assistance or aid to individuals who are seeking information, such as by using databases and other information sources to communicate or supply knowledge or factual data)
služba inspekční inspection service (An organization designated to look into, supervise and report upon, the staff members and workings of some institution or department, or the conforming to laws and regulations by a segment of society or other group)