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Terms for subject Environment (6774 entries)
zajištění důkazů taking of evidence (In criminal law and torts, the act of laying hold upon an evidence, with or without removing the same)
zajištění kvality quality assurance
zajištění parkování parking provision (Area where a vehicle can be left for a period of time)
zákal turbidity (Cloudy or hazy appearance in a naturally clear liquid caused by a suspension of colloidal liquid droplets or fine solids)
zákaz prohibition (An interdiction or forbidding of an activity or action by authority or law)
zákaz aplikace kalu půdní sewage spreading prohibition (Prohibition of spreading sewage sludge on land to prevent accumulation of toxic heavy metals in excessive quantities)
zákaz CFC a halonů CFC and halons prohibition (An interdiction on the manufacture or use of products that discharge chlorofluorocarbons and bromine-containing compounds into the atmosphere, thereby contributing to the depletion of the ozone layer)
zakázaná chemická látka banned chemical
zakázka veřejná public contract (Any contract in which there are public funds provided though private persons may perform the contract and the subject of the contract may ultimately benefit private persons)
zakázka vládní government contracting
základ právní legal basis (The fundamental law or judicial precedent that warrants or supports a subsequent decision or action by any governmental, corporate or private entity)
základní stav baseline condition
zákon law (individual, One of the rules making up the body of law)
zákon act (1. Something done voluntarily by a person, and of such a nature that certain legal consequences attach to it. 2. Documents, decrees, edicts, laws, judgments, etc.)
zákon báňský mining law (A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate the potentially harmful activity of enterprises concerned with the extraction and processing of precious or valuable metals)
zákon daňový tax law (A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government stipulating the sum of money and manner of collection it demands for governmental support, facilities and services, usually levied upon income, property, sales or other financial resources)
zákon o chemikáliích chemicals act
zákon o dopravě letecké air traffic law (International rules and conventions relating to air transportation)
zákon o EIA EIA law (Law concerning the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment, based on the EC Directive n. 85/337)
zákon o hnojivech fertiliser law