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Terms for subject Environment (6774 entries)
cena tržní market price (The price actually given in current market dealings; the actual price at which given stock or commodity is currently sold in the usual and ordinary course of trade and competition between sellers and buyers)
cena zemědělská farm price (The amount of money or monetary rate at which agricultural goods and services can be bought or sold)
centralizace centralisation
centrum historické historic centre (That part of a town or city in which the principal public and historic buildings are located)
centrum městské city centre (The central part of a city)
Černé moře Black Sea (No definition needed)
Černobyl Chernobyl
čerpadlo pump (A machine that draws a fluid into itself through an entrance port and forces the fluid out through an exhaust port)
čerpadlo tepelné heat pump (A device which transfers heat from a cooler reservoir to a hotter one, expending mechanical energy in the process, especially when the main purpose is to heat the hot reservoir rather than refrigerate the cold one)
čerpadlo vodní water pump (A machine or apparatus used to lift water, usually from a well or borehole, which is powered manually or by engine, wind or some other source)
čerpání pumping (The removal of gases and vapors from a vacuum system)
čerpání vody water extraction (Pumping of water for different purposes (i.e. agriculture, land reclamation, domestic and industrial use, etc.))
certifikát certification (The formal assertion in writing of some fact)
červi nematode (A group of unsegmented worms which have been variously recognized as an order, class, and phylum)
cesium caesium (A soft silvery-white and highly reactive metal belonging to the alkali group of metals. It is a radiation hazard, because it can occur in two radioactive forms. Caesium-134 is produced in nuclear reactors, not directly by fission, but by the reaction. It emits beta- and gamma-radiation and has a half-life of 2.06 years. Caesium-137 is a fission product of uranium and occurs in the fallout from nuclear weapons. It emits beta- and gamma-rays and has a half-life of 30 years. Caesium-137 was the principal product released into the atmosphere, and hence the food chain, from atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons and from the Windscale fire and Chernobyl nuclear accidents. After the Chernobyl accident, which spread a radiation cloud across Europe, the European Commission proposed new and more restrictive limits on levels of caesium in food and drinking water)
cesta path (A route or track between one place to another)
cesta route (Any established or selected course for passage or travel)
cesta dopravní traffic route (No definition needed)
cesta přístupová access road (Any street or narrow stretch of paved surface that leads to a specific destination, such as a main highway)
cesta vodní waterway (A river, canal, or other navigable channel used as a means of travel or transport)