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Terms for subject Environment (7573 entries)
алувиална равнина alluvial plain (A level or gently sloping tract or a slightly undulating land surface produced by extensive deposition of alluvium, usually adjacent to a river that periodically overflows its banks; it may be situated on a flood plain, a delta, or an alluvial fan)
алуминиев контейнер aluminium container
алуминиева промишленост aluminium industry
алуминиево съдържание aluminium content (Amount of aluminium contained in a solution)
алуминий aluminium
алфа лъчение alpha radiation
амалгама amalgam
Амалгама amalgam
амбалаж за многократна употреба returnable container (Container whose return from the consumer or final user is assured by specific means (separate collection, deposits, etc.), independently on its final destination, in order to be reused, recovered or subjected to specific waste management operations)
амбалаж за повторна употреба reusable container
америка Americas
американска норка American mink
амини amine
аминокиселина amino acid
амониев радикал ammonium (The radical NH4+, NH4)
амоняк ammonia
амфибия amphibian
анаеробен процес anaerobic process
анаеробно състояние anaerobic condition
анаеробно третиране anaerobic treatment