
А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ю Я   <<  >>
Terms for subject Microsoft (7927 entries)
движение с докосване touch flick
движение с докосване на няколко пръста multi-touch gesture
Движещи се заглавия, на слоеве Moving Titles, Layered
двоичен binary
двоичен разряд binary digit (The smallest unit of information handled by a computer. One bit expresses a 1 or a 0 in a binary numeral, or a true or false logical condition. A group of 8 bits makes up a byte, which can represent many types of information, such as a letter of the alphabet, a decimal digit, or other character)
двоично поведение binary behavior
двойка име-стойност name/value pair
двубайтови знаци double-byte characters
двупосочен bidirectional
двустепенно удостоверяване two-factor authentication
двустранно прогнозиране bidirectional prediction
дебъгер debugger (A program designed to aid in detecting, locating, and correcting errors in another program by allowing the programmer to step through the program, examine the data, and monitor conditions such as the values of variables)
дебъгер за ядрото kernel debugger
дедубликация deduplication
дежурен пакет bubble packet
дезактивирана контрола disabled control
деинициализирам uninitialize
деинсталирам uninstall
дейност activity
дейност в кампания campaign activity