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Terms for subject Environment (7042 entries)
верижно управление chain management
верификационен риск verification risk
верифицирана единица редуцирани емисии verified emissions reduction unit
верифицирана единица редуцирани емисии verified emission reduction
вертикално отстояние vertical separation distance
ветеринарна медицина veterinary medicine
ветрова електростанция wind power station
ветрова енергия wind power
вещество опасно за околната среда environmentally dangerous substance
взаимодействие "въздух-вода" air-water interaction (The physical processes at the air-water interface: momentum, heat and mass transfer across the air-water interface, mixing of surface water by wind stress and wave breaking, directional wave spectra and wave forces on offshore structures. The air-water interaction is measured by the turbulence and gas exchanges resulting from the mixing of the water column by wind)
взаимодействие земя-слънце Earth-Sun relationship
взаимодействие на пестицидите interaction of pesticides
взаимодействие океан-въздух ocean-air interface
взаимоотношение структура-дейност structure-activity relationship (The association between a chemical structure and carcinogenicity)
вземане на мостри, пробовземане sampling
взeмане на решения decision making
виадукт viaduct
вибрация vibration
вид документ document type
вид енергия energy type