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Terms for subject Environment (6936 entries)
wykorzystanie kaloryczności utilisation of calorific value (Calorific value is the heat per unit mass produced by complete combustion of a given substance. Calorific values are used to express the energy values of fuels; usually these are expressed in megajoules per kilogram. They are also used to measure the energy content of foodstuffs; i.e. the energy produced when the food is oxidized in the body. The units here are kilojoules per gram. Calorific values are measured using a bomb calorimeter (apparatus consisting of a strong container in which the sample is sealed with excess oxygen and ignited electrically. The heat of combustion at constant volume can be calculated from the resulting rise in temperature))
wykorzystanie wody water utilisation (Three types of water use are distinguished: 1. withdrawal, where water is taken from a river, or surface or underground reservoir, and after use returned to a natural water body, e.g. water used for cooling in industrial processes. Such return flows are particularly important for downstream users in the case of water taken from rivers; 2. consumptive, which starts with withdrawal but in this case without any return, e.g. irrigation, steam escaping into the atmosphere, water contained in final products, i.e. it is no longer available directly for subsequent uses; 3. non-withdrawal, i.e. the in situ use of a water body for navigation (including the floating of logs by the lumber industry), fishing, recreation, effluent disposal and hydroelectric power generation)
wykorzystywanie odpadów use of waste as material
wykres progress line
wykrywacze detector
wykrywanie detection
wykrywanie źródeł zanieczyszczeń pollutant source identification
wykształacenie ogólne general education (Informal learning or formal instruction with broad application to human existence beyond the domain of any particular subject or discipline, often equated with liberal arts in the university setting and contrasted to courses required for a specific major or program)
wylęg alevin
wylesianie deforestation (The removal of forest and undergrowth to increase the surface of arable land or to use the timber for construction or industrial purposes. Forest and its undergrowth possess a very high water-retaining capacity, inhibiting runoff of rainwater)
wylesianie clearance of forests
wylesianie forest cover destruction
wylesianie forest destruction
wylot podwodny underwater outlet (Point of water disposal located below the sea surface)
wymiana danych data exchange (A reciprocal transfer of individual facts, statistics or items of information between two or more parties for the purpose of enhancing knowledge of the participants)
wymiana danych elektronicznych interchange of electronic data (A transference of binary coded information items between two or more computers across any communications channel capable of carrying electromagnetic signals)
wymiana informacji information exchange (A reciprocal transference of data between two or more parties for the purpose of enhancing knowledge of the participants)
wymiana informacji o zagrożeniu risk communication (The exchange of information about health or environmental risks among risk assessors and managers, the general public, news media, interest groups, etc.)
wymiana jonowa ion exchange (The process in which ions are exchanged between a solution and an insoluble solid, usually a resin)
wymiana netto w ekosystemach net ecosystem exchange