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Terms for subject Environment (6936 entries)
stosunki walutowe monetary relations (The different modes in which countries, nations, etc., are brought together by financial, currency, or pecuniary interests)
stowarzyszenie association (A body of persons associated for the regulation of a common economic activity by means of a special organization)
stowarzyszenie ochrony środowiska environmental protection association (Associations whose object resides in the protection of natural environment)
stowarzyszenie przemysłowe industrial association
stowarzyszenie zawodowe professional society (A group of persons engaged in the same profession, business, trade or craft that is organized or formally structured to attain common ends)
strącanie decantation
strategia leśna dla Unii Europejskiej Forestry Strategy for the European Union
strategia rozwoju niskoemisyjnego low-carbon development strategy
strategia rozwoju niskoemisyjnego low-emission development strategy
strategia Unii Europejskiej dla regionu Morza Bałtyckiego Baltic Sea Strategy
strategia Unii Europejskiej dla regionu Morza Bałtyckiego EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region
strategia Unii Europejskiej na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju European Union Strategy for Sustainable Development
strategia Unii Europejskiej na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju Sustainable Development Strategy
strategia zrównoważonego rozwoju UE EU sustainable development strategy
strategia zrównoważonego rozwoju UE sustainable development strategy
stratosfera stratosphere
straty energetyczne energy dissipation (Any loss of energy, generally by conversion into heat)
straż pożarna fire service (Technical organisation with trained personnel for dealing with fires and other incidents and for co-operating in their prevention)
strefa band
strefa bezemisyjna zero carbon zone