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Terms for subject Environment (7476 entries)
protokół z Nagoi ABS Protocol
protokół z Nagoi Nagoya Protocol
protokół z Nagoi Nagoya Protocol on ABS
protokół z Nagoi Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing
protokół z Nagoi Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Prototypowy Fundusz Węglowy Prototype Carbon Fund
prowincja province (A geographic area of some considerable extent, smaller than a continent but larger than a region, which is unified by some or all of its characteristics and which can therefore be studied as a whole. A faunal province, for example, has a particular assemblage of animal species, which differs from assemblages in different contemporaneous environments elsewhere)
prywatny rezerwat przyrody voluntary natural reserve (Area of national interest which is protected under the responsibility of its owner in order to safeguard wildlife, archeological and geological sites)
prywatyzacja privatisation (The transfer of ownership or control of a government enterprise or other governmental property to a non-public, non-official company, organization or individual, either through sale or through the establishment of a special enterprise outside direct government control)
przechowywanie odpadów waste storage (Temporary holding of waste pending treatment or disposal. Storage methods include containers, tanks, waste piles, and surface impoundments)
przechowywanie tymczasowe temporary storage (Any deposit or holdings of goods, materials or waste in a facility, container, tank or some other physical location for a brief or short time period)
przechowywanie żywności food storage (Stock of food kept in storage as a national measure to provide security against fluctuations in food supply)
przeciek leakage
przeciwciała antibody
przeciwdziałanie negatywnemu oddziaływaniu na środowisko impact prevention (Precautionary measures, actions or installations implemented to avert negative effects on the environment)
przeciwdziałanie negatywnym wpływom impact reversal (The counteracting or undoing of negative effects or influences on the environment)
przeciwdziałanie zanieczyszczaniu wód water pollution prevention (Precautionary measures, actions or installations implemented to avert or hinder human-made or human-induced alteration of the physical, biological, chemical and radiological integrity of water)
przeciwdziałanie zmianie klimatu climate change mitigation
przeciwdziałanie zmianie klimatu mitigation
przeciwdziałanie zmianie klimatu mitigation of climate change