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Terms for subject Environment (7476 entries)
ochrona lasów forest protection (Branch of forestry concerned with the prevention and control of damage to forests arising from the action of people or livestock, of pests and abiotic agents)
ochrona lasu forest conservation
ochrona miejscowa site protection (Precautionary actions, procedures or installations undertaken to prevent or reduce harm to the environmental integrity of a physical area or location)
ochrona obszarów nadmorskich coastal management (Measures by way of planning, prior approval of works, prohibition of some activities, physical structures, and restoration efforts to protect the coastline against the ravages of nature and haphazard and unplanned developments)
ochrona obszarów przyrodniczych natural areas protection (Active management of nature areas in order to ensure that wildlife is protected and the quality of its environment is maintained)
ochrona przeciwpowodziowa flood protection (Precautionary measures, equipment or structures implemented to guard or defend people, property and lands from an unusual accumulation of water above the ground)
ochrona przeciwpowodziowa flood control (Measures taken to prevent or reduce harm caused by an unusual accumulation of water above the ground, often involving the construction of reservoirs and channeling structures)
ochrona przeciwpożarowa fire protection (All necessary precautions to see that fire is not initiated, by ensuring that all necessary fire fighting apparatus is in good order and available for use if fire should break out, and by ensuring that personnel are properly trained and drilled in fighting fire)
ochrona przed hałasem noise protection (Adoption of measures for controlling noise pollution, such as restriction of the emission of noise from industrial, commercial and domestic premises, from motor vehicles and aircrafts, the provision of noise barriers and buffer zones, the fitting of sound attenuation equipment, etc.)
ochrona przed lawinami avalanche protection (The total of measures and devices implemented to protect people, property or natural resources from avalanche conditions, including avalanche forecasting and warning, avalanche zoning, ski testing and the use of explosives and other equipment to stabilize an avalanche area)
ochrona przed sąsiadami protection from neighbours
ochrona przyrody nature conservation (Active management of the earth's natural resources and environment to ensure their quality is maintained and that they are wisely used)
ochrona przyrody nature protection
ochrona pszczół bee conservation (The care, preservation and husbandry of hymenopterous insects valued for their ability to pollinate crops and other flora or for their production of honey)
ochrona ptaków protection of birds
ochrona radiologiczna radiation protection (Precautionary actions, measures or equipment implemented to guard or defend people, property and natural resources from the harmful effects of ionizing energy)
ochrona roślin plant health care
ochrona słuchu hearing protection (The total of measures and devices implemented to preserve persons from harm to the faculty of perceiving sound)
ochrona środowiska environmental conservation (Efforts and activities to maintain and sustain those attributes in natural and urban environments which are essential both to human physical and mental health and to enjoyment of life)
ochrona środowiska environment protection